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Tuesdays  with Morrie Book cover Illustration.

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"Tuesdays with Morrie" book cover illustration

[Hosted by Salim Publishing House - Awarded Grand Prize]

I won the grand prize at the book cover illustration contest for "Tuesdays with Morrie," hosted by Salim Publishing House. When I began working on this project, I was in the Netherlands and realized the importance of creating a design that would stand out, transcending cultural sentiments, and evoke a sense of freshness. Drawing from my experience at a bookstore, I imagined myself as a potential reader and considered what kind of book cover would catch my attention. While the content of the book is undoubtedly crucial, I wanted the cover to leave a striking first impression.

Consequently, I decided to focus on a kitsch and colorful aesthetic to achieve this goal. The design is now featured as the cover for the Interpark Limited Edition of the book in Korean.

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